It is almost impossible to teach someone something if that individual is not motivated to learn. And this is particularly true when it comes to science. The technical aspects of chemistry, biology, and physics are so complex and intricate that students often become overwhelmed in a short period of time and eventually experience frustration, boredom, and failure. But that is not inevitable.
Let’s say there are two secondary school chemistry classes. On the first day, one teacher distributes copies of the periodic table of elements. The other teacher blows up something. Whose students do you think will learn chemistry more quickly and easily? Let’s say there are two secondary school biology classes. On the first day, one teacher asks everyone to outline the Krebs Cycle. The other teacher asks how a peanut butter sandwich becomes the energy required to punch someone in the nose. Whose students do you think will learn biology more quickly and easily? Let’s say there are two secondary school physics classes. On the first day, one teacher recites the definition of centripetal force. The other teacher demonstrates how to get a marble into a glass without touching the marble. Whose students do you think will learn physics more quickly and easily?
That is the extraordinary benefit of a Silly Science class at Romp n’ Roll. There is no guarantee that the children will have the latter kind of teacher later on. But they will be introduced to science in a fun and fascinating way that will ensure they will continue to pursue the subject with excitement and enthusiasm in the years to come.