首页 > 早教知识 > 【悦宝园早教文章】如何让宝宝成为“左撇子”?


加入时间:2016-12-08 13:25:14 来源:悦宝园早教中心/早教网



It is a statistical fact that left-handed people areconsiderably more creative than right-handed people.  If you look at any activity or professionthat involves creativity, you see an enormous percentage of successful lefties– far greater than their percentage in the general population.


Some people claim this is due to brainstructure.  Since the creativity centeris located on the right side of the brain and that is the more dominanthemisphere in lefties, they believe this gives them an advantage in thisarea.  I have not seen sufficientevidence to convince me the explanation lies in the geography of the cerebralcortex.  I think it is due toexperiential factors.


Since over 90% of the population isright-handed, everything is designed for right-handed people.  That means standard procedures do not workvery well for lefties.  Consequently,from very early on in life they are constantly exercising that creative musclein the mind because they are frequently in the position of having to figure outtheir own way of doing things.


This is another reason why it is soimportant to enroll your child in a play-based early education program likeRomp n’ Roll, especially if he is a righty. All children have plenty of opportunities to be trained in standardprocedures.  But not all have the chanceto give that creative muscle in the mind a rigorous workout on a regular basis.






蒋海燕 首都师范大学外国语学院语言学及应用语言学方向硕士,早期教育专家,悦宝园中国区教研总监。

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