首页 > 早教知识 > 【早教知识】给鬼起个名字,化解宝宝恐惧


加入时间:2016-10-18 15:56:54 来源:悦宝园早教中心/早教网


Is your child convinced there is a ghost haunting his closet or a monster lurking under his bed?  If so, you should know that this is quite common, and you should also know there is a simple and usually quite effective way to diffuse the situation.



When I was about three years old my family moved into a new house.  My bedroom had a door connected to the attic, and I was sure there was a ghost in there.  Instead of telling me there is no such thing as ghosts (which would have been futile) or dismissing me as being silly (which would have made things worse), my mother did something that I later realized was brilliant.  She simply said, “Yes, that is Georgie the Ghost.”


Once the ghost had a name like Georgie it was impossible to view him as threatening.  In fact, my sister and I decided he must be a friendly ghost, and for the next couple of years we would occasionally leave some dolls and toys inside the attic door so Georgie wouldn’t be lonely or bored.


I can’t guarantee that naming the ghost or monster will work every time, but it certainly is worth a try.  Just make sure you  use a “friendly” name like Georgie and avoid “frightening” names like Godzilla.





蒋海燕 首都师范大学外国语学院语言学及应用语言学方向硕士,早期教育专家,悦宝园中国区教研总监。

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