首页 > 智力开发 > 超自我让你成为超级英雄(悦漫画第12集)


加入时间:2014-10-31 16:05:26 来源:悦宝园早教中心/早教网


I’m sure you have heard the terms Id, Ego, and Super-Ego, but do you know what they are all about? Well, according to psychoanalytic theory, our actions result from the interaction of these three little guys in our head. The Id represents our basic needs and desires – I want what I want when I want it. The Ego is the rational decision maker – it is his job to figure out a way to get the Id what it wants. But the Ego is constrained by the Super-Ego who represents the requirements and expectations of society—in other words, your conscience.


As you can readily observe in the behavior of a baby, the Id is present at birth. And as you can see as the child grows, the Ego soon thereafter enters and steadily improves through natural development as well as formal and informal education. But since it represents external rather than internal forces, the formation of the Super-Ego is not inevitable, and even when it does arrive, it takes many years to become truly effective.




Consequently, parents have a critical role to play in the process. First of all, they must restrict and re-direct their little one appropriately while he is still psychologically incapable of doing so himself. And simultaneously, they must teach him the importance of respecting others, the long-term benefits of delayed as opposed to immediate gratification, and other lessons that will enable him to become not only a success, but a responsible citizen of the world as well.



This is sometimes a difficult and unpleasant job, but it obviously is a critical one. And in my opinion, if you do help your child develop a solid Super-Ego, that makes you a Super-Hero.


以上文字摘录于悦宝园前首席顾问 Michael K. Meyerhoff博士的博客。




蒋海燕 首都师范大学外国语学院语言学及应用语言学方向硕士,早期教育专家,悦宝园中国区教研总监。

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