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加入时间:2014-09-19 16:18:06 来源:悦宝园早教中心/早教网


Are you looking for a fun outdoor activity that will entertain and educate your kid (and his friends)? Here is a great idea I got from the father of a preschooler who complained that he and his pals were bored on a summer day.


The Dad set up a solar system in the backyard. He used a large metal garbage can cover for the sun, a golf ball for Mercury, a tennis ball for Venus, a baseball for Earth, a softball for Mars, a beach ball for Jupiter, a basketball for Saturn, a dodge ball for Uranus, a soccer ball for Neptune, and a ping pong ball for Pluto. Each child was given one of the balls along with their special “space name” and placed the appropriate proportional distance from the garbage can cover. The little ones then spent the next hour or so running around in circles representing their orbits, calling out their names as they passed one another.


Not only did the kids have a ton of fun and get plenty of exercise, but years later their science teacher was amazed at how much accurate and appropriate knowledge they already had about our universe.

以上文字摘录于美国悦宝园首席顾问 Michael K.Meyerhoff博士的博客,Michael K. Meyerhoff博士曾经是哈佛大学最著名的Harvard preschool Project (哈弗早期教育项目)的主要成员。编著过3本儿童早期教育书籍,30本学术手册和100多篇学术论文。带领其研发团队为悦宝园打造1000多套创新课程




蒋海燕 首都师范大学外国语学院语言学及应用语言学方向硕士,早期教育专家,悦宝园中国区教研总监。

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