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加入时间:2014-08-16 09:16:53 来源:悦宝园早教中心/早教网


There is an interesting concept in education referred to as the “zone of proximal development.” If you present a child with a task that is above her current level of development, she will not be able to do it. But there is a zone of proximal development, a little slice just above where the child currently is. While the child will not be able to do a task in that zone, with the help of an adult, she will be able to do it.


Now that she is in that zone, a new zone of proximal development is created just above it. And she now can be assisted into that zone. That creates another new zone. And so on and so on. Helping the child move up little by little using zones of proximal development is referred to as “scaffolding.”


This is why parent participation is a prominent part of the classes for infants and toddlers at Romp n’ Roll. Left to their own devices, the children will progress at a reasonable pace. But their development is significantly enhanced when Mom or Dad is involved in whatever activity they are pursuing.


So whenever you accompany your little one to class, take delight in your role as enjoyable play partner and enthusiastic cheerleader. But give yourself a pat on the back for serving as an important educational facilitator as well.






蒋海燕 首都师范大学外国语学院语言学及应用语言学方向硕士,早期教育专家,悦宝园中国区教研总监。

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